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Gemstone Traceability

From rough to cut.

Discover the history of your gemstone

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Rough analysis

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Discover what's inside.

Transparency is the currency of trust.

_Freda Lewis-Hall, MD

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Have questions about the Traceability Report?

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Traceability has become an important issue in the minds of the public, policy makers, companies and consumers, in relation to the political context surrounding some geographical mining areas, as well as sustainability, ecology, social welfare and human rights.

Traceability is the ability to track the movement of a gemstone backward in times and places.

Our gemstone traceability reporting systems provide consumers with important additional information. As a third party, we are able to link the documentation submitted by miners, traders and any agent to the actual finished gemstone with excellent accuracy. By combining record verification and scientific analysis of the raw stones, we are now able to disclose the following:

-Place of extraction

-Date of extraction

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Ethics & Sustainability

Additional information is collected and verified by us through proof of purchase at auction, import and export customs documents and miners' records.


The place and date of extraction allow us to locate the stone geographically as well as the ethical context in which it was extracted.

Scientific authentication in several stages ensures the absence of treatment.


As the gemological data is collected several times at different stages and finally compared, we can conclude that no known or hypothetical treatment has been applied to the stone during the process.

Multi-steps verification

All gemological properties are collected at least twice. Firstly during the authentication of the rough stone, and finally during the analysis of the cut stone. The empirical data, the interpretations, their conclusions and the information from the collected documents are all compared. All results must match for the issuance of a traceability report.

All empirical data collected during the traceability process.

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