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Bellerophon | Gemlab


Holding our world in trust to our children
-Michael Meacher

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Our commitment to becoming carbon neutral drives a lot of what we do. Every Bellerophon Gemlab Reports will be made with clean energy and even more recycled and renewable materials. 

Bellerophon Gemlab Carbon footprint

Bellerophon Gemlab reports are partly made of recycled paper and recycled plastic. We are committed in increasing every year the percentage of recycled products as well as reducing our greenhouse gas emission within our laboratories.

The Carbon Footprint is an estimation of the carbon emitted into the atmosphere over a year by the activities of an organization. It is used to identify the main emission sources and to initiate a process to reduce these emissions.

The article 75 of the law n° 2010-788 of July 12, 2010 concerning the national French commitment for the environment (ENE) has established the principle of a generalization of the greenhouse gas emission assessments (GHG assessments) for many public and private actors. Bellerophon Gemlab is not submitted to this legislation, we carries out this carbon footprint in a transparent way towards you because we are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in a sustainable way.

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Maximum Carbon emissions per service.

The methodological guides presented by the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) were used to carry out this carbon assessment. This method takes into account the direct or indirect greenhouse gas emissions produced by the company.

The accounting method we used is the calculation of emissions. To summarise the greenhouse gas emissions, the emission flows are multiplied by emission factors. This makes it possible to calculate the quantity of pollutants emitted in carbon equivalent.

GHG distribution per laboratory

In 2022, Bellerophon Gemlab emitted 1.3 times less greenhouse gas emissions than the average French company of the same size.

The energy used in the laboratories represents a significant part of our greenhouse gas emissions. With the opening of a second laboratory, the activity of Bellerophon laboratories has become more international, resulting in an increase in employee travel.

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Bellerophon Gemlab greenhouse gas emissions was collected using the methodological guides presented by the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) for the years 2021 and 2022 by Maximilien Rozet.

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